100% Money-back Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with any purchase, return it within 90 days, in original condition and packaging, for either a refund or exchange (excluding delivery charges). Refunds are not possible if the item has been: worn, engraved, adjusted/resized, or was a special order.
Before returning an item for refund or exchange, please contact us for a Return Authorization Number.
25 Year Warranty
The purity of our precious metals and the quality of workmanship are guaranteed for 25 years. Any item found to be defective will be replaced or repaired (whichever is most practicable) free of charge.
This guarantee does not cover damage or wear beyond the control of Celestial Ringdom; in this event we will provide a quote for repair if feasible. Fine chains will last many years if not worn during vigorous activity or while sleeping.
Silver can be expected to tarnish with time, and can be easily restored with a silver polish cloth or silver dip.
Easy Returns
If you are not completely satisfied with any purchase, return it within 90 days, in original condition and packaging, for a total refund, excluding any delivery charges. Or if preferred, we can organize an exchange. Refunds are not possible if the item has been: worn, engraved, adjusted/resized, or was a special order.
Before returning an item for refund or exchange, please contact us for a Return Authorization Number.